GG112: Julie Gribble and Mike Lowery

JULIE GRIBBLE talks making music and movies, plus her one big dream for this year.

MIKE LOWERY explains how life is like the movie Witness, and what it means to be an author/illustrator with a new book (Slightly Jet Lagged) coming out, all while being the husband of a true superstar children's book creator named KATRIN WIEHLE.

ALEX GORDON HI FI plays that sweet baritone guitar music throughout.

GG110: Unproducible Plays and Joshua Fletcher

UNPRODUCIBLE PLAYS East by Southeast Festival (Aug. 5-19) has Amee Vyas, Michelle Pokopac, & Pam Joyce giving opportunities to Asian-Americans to have their work seen by larger audiences.

JOSHUA FLETCHER plays Eddie's Attic on Aug. 9th. Hear about his journey from punk to Nashville to Americana.

GG108: Heart Hunters

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From South America to Portland to Georgia, the HEART HUNTERS have journeyed and created their style of intimate Americana under other names while never loosing sight of what really matters - love. Their latest cd is out in July and had the wonderful touch of Peter Case on it as producer.

Lucky to have them as artists on June 16th LIVE show. Tickets HERE.

ALEX GORDON provides "Quonset" as bumper music.

GG107: Jayme Alilaw and Andrew Iden

JAYME ALILAW talks about her path to becoming an opera singer & improv actor.

Andrew Iden has created as an homage to those who've trekked or experienced the Appalachian Trail for it's 70th Anniversary.

Check out Alex Gordon HiFi's music used as "tweeners" HERE.

GG106: Marshall Seese's new tv show VERSES and Michael Westbrook

Marshall Seese & Eliot Bronson enter the tv world with VERSES.

MICHAEL WESTBROOK is putting together some solo work after years of backing other talented musicians.

ALEX GORDON HIFI created the interstitial music with his magical baritone guitar.

GG 105: Besides Daniel & Atlanta Rescue Dog Cafe

BESIDES DANIEL plays at Eddies Attic on Thurs., May 3. New cd out soon HERE.

Aaron Fisher hopes to educate kids and adults about how we can all create better homes for animals while minimizing those dogs put in shelters with ATLANTA RESCUE DOG CAFE.

Wonderful background music provided by ALEX GORDON HI FI.

GG97: GatherGoodATL and Caleb & the Gents

Kristyn Back of GATHERGOODATL uses her online magazine to tell the best stories of the most amazing people doing great work in and around Atlanta.

CALEB AND THE GENTS play a hybrid form of jazz, gypsy, ragtime, and western that they call Neo Swing.

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GG95: Jeff Roffman photography & The Muckers

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JEFF ROFFMAN Photography gives a unique perspective to "pictures with Santa" at his Poncey Highland studio.

THE MUCKERS manage to honor traditional Irish music while pushing the boundaries and having one heckuva good time.

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GG94: Nick Rosen & Village Micro Fund

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NICK ROSEN talks about composing and being on the road with the likes of The Shadowboxers.

VILLAGE MICRO FUND hopes to amplify the knowledge of Wall Street's Nathan Jones & Donte Miller to empower entrepreneurs and communities to support each other.

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GG 93: Cody Matlock and Peter McDade

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CODY MATLOCK and his Mothership are take all kinds of music to brew up a danceable, funky, soulful stew.

Peter McDade translates his experiences in pop-rock bands Uncle Green and 3 Lb. Thrill into his first novel THE WEIGHT OF SOUND.. and you get a soundtrack to boot! Hear Pay Me Now at the end of his interview.

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GG92: AJ Ghent and Thomas Helland (TDawg)

AJ GHENT has a new cd in the works, and he's taking his neo blues sound on the road in 2018.

The 7TH ANNUAL HOLIDAY HOOTENANNY to support Habitat for Humanity is coming on Dec. 20. TDawg talks about the amazing musicians in attendance and the nod to their missing friend Col. Bruce Hampton.

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GG91: Aviva & Love Beyond Walls

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From AVIVA & THE FLYING PENGUINS, Aviva talks about music, tuning to the right frequency, and connecting with the right people.

Terence Lester of LOVE BEYOND WALLS believes we can help the homeless with compassion, empathy, and a holistic approach to the issue.

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GG89: Singer Sonia Tetlow & Jason Waller of DADS Presents (and Coffee Bar)


Jason Waller talks about his new video series D.A.D. PRESENTS and his hopes to help break the stigma of depression at Dad's Coffee Bar.

SONIA TETLOW shares her path to music, and steps away from Roxie Watson to release her own cd.

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