GG124: Broadleaf Writers Assoc. & Nathan Evans Fox


Zach Steele of Broadleaf Writers Assoc. talks about the nonprofit and it's hope to help writers fulfill their destiny and Nathan Evans Fox takes music full-time in a powerful way, also turns you on to the Folk Alliance Intl (pretty cool!).

GG112: LIVE 13 Announcement & Ticket Discount

Show is Saturday, Sept. 8, 2018 at Switchyards Downtown Club and $15 tickets are available for another week - then $20 and at the door.

Kyshona Armstrong, Blaire Erskine, Lexi Street, Nicki Salcedo, Friday JR, Critical Crop Top, Kate's Club, Octave Atlanta and MORE will surprise and delight at this Patsy Cline Birthday celebration of STRONG SOUTHERN WOMEN. Get your tix HERE.